

第七屆亞洲植髮醫學會 AAHRS 年會即將於2023年7月20日至23日在曼谷隆重舉行!

萌髮診所 吳文藝醫師(Dr. Danny Wu)為本屆主席/會長,將在大會上致詞並發表兩篇專題報告。


第七屆亞洲植髮醫學會 AAHRS官網: https://aahrs-asia.com/

The 7th AAHRS annual meeting will be held on July 20-24, 2023 in Bangkok. Dr . Danny Wu (Wen-Yi Wu) , the President of this meeting is honored to deliver an introduction and welcome address to the attending physicians from Asia. Members of Taiwan Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (TSHRS) are welcome to participate.

第七屆AAHRS 亞洲植髮醫學會年會的開幕儀式影片
【Practical Management for Successful Hair Transplantation】實用管理,打造成功植髮之道 | AAHRS 會長 - 吳文藝醫師專題演講分享
【Hair Transplant Challenges】解析植髮面臨的挑戰 | AAHRS 會長 - 吳文藝醫師專題演講分享
【Emergencies in Hair Transplantation】- 緊急情況下的植髮手術指南 | AAHRS 會長 -吳文藝醫師專題演講分享


The 7th AAHRS annual meeting will be held on July 20-24, 2023 in Bangkok. Dr . Danny Wu (Wen-Yi Wu) , the President of this meeting is honored to deliver an introduction and welcome address to the attending physicians from Asia. Members of Taiwan Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (TSHRS) are welcome to participate.


Meeting DatesIn-Person Meeting: July 20-23, 2023
In-Person Meeting LocationCadaver Workshop
Padtayapatana Building
Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital
Scientific Meeting LocationPullman Bangkok King Power
8/2 Rangnam Road, Thanon-Phayathai, Ratchathewi, 10400 Bangkok
Live Surgery Workshop LocationBhumisiri Mangkhalanusorn Building
Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital
Target AudienceNovice and Expert Hair Restoration Surgeons
Physicians with an interest in hair restoration surgery
Surgical assistants, technicians, and other office personnel employed by ISHRS Physician Members and Pending Members

Scientific Meeting Program at a Glance